Happy Saturday one and all!!
This morning I was up bright and early and hit a community garage sale. I was happy I went. I got Airen a big bin of Legos for $1.00!!! Got big bag of wooden trains and track for $3.00, bins with locking lids for the Legos $.75 and a bunch of fall outfits for Mara at $.25/outfit!!! Later in the morning I picked up mom and we went to Goodwill. It was half price day and I was hoping to find summer clothes for me and the kids, instead Doug got three pairs of Dockers pants for work. Then Airen had a few meltdowns.
Airen's parent teacher conference Friday went very well. He is making a lot of progress in the classroom. We are looking at the full day kindy right now but at his transition meeting April 18th there will be a lot of issues to be covered. Airen is one that is very sensitive and if someone scolds him publicly he gets embarrassed. He is also still not potty trained. The last few nights he's really been trying to go on the potty so that is good. I just wish it would happen already.
I "think" Mara is finally on a sleep schedule. The last week she's slept at least 5 hours straight then up for a feeding then back to sleep for at least another 2-3 hours. Some mornings she will wake at 5 am so she ends up in bed with us, usually cuddled up with daddy.
Tomorrow Doug is off and Airen will get to go to respite/habilitation. He's excited as he gets to play with his friends and jump on the trampoline. We are still on the lookout for an inexpensive one but so far all we are seeing is $250-300 and that is more then I am willing to pay.
I am off. Airen is in Mara's room entertaining her while she's in her crib. So much for her being asleep early tonight!!!