Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Consignment sale update

So I finally got my check from the consignment sale. Drum roll please....I made $200 selling the kids clothes and some toys. I am very pleased as the average consignor made $125. They will be doing the sale again in the fall and I already have boxes of stuff at my mom's so I will just have to start tagging it for the sale. I have also been putting stuff on craigslist and making some cash. Speaking of craigslist I need to go relist some of my ads and put up a few new ones.

I spent yesterday going to a new Goodwill and found some great bargains for Mara. She got a ton of fall clothes for only $1.00 a piece. I also got us a really big George Foreman grill for $16. We'd been looking to get a new one but the $50 price tag was not too nice. So for $16 I am happy and cannot wait to use it tonight to make burgers and grilled veggies on it!!!

Yesterday afternoon I stopped at my old office to see some friends. It was quick stop and I still got to see many friends. Mara was such a flirt and so happy with everyone. Of course they all asked when I was returning to work there, I told them NEVER!!! Being home with my little ones is far more rewarding then any paycheck ever will be.

Still waiting for my dear east coast friend to get in touch with me. Taxes are due today so I am sure I will hear from you tonight or tomorrow!!!