Wednesday, April 1, 2009

World Autism Awareness Day

April is Autism Awareness month. April 2, 2009 is World Autism Awareness Day. Thursday morning many morning news shows will be focusing on Autism. See a few notes of the major morning shows and what they will be doing.

Tune-In: World Autism Awareness Day

All times are EDT. Check local listings for channel in your area.

7:30 a.m. – The Early Show (CBS): ABA and the state of insurance reform interview with Peter Bell, Autism Speaks Executive Vice President of Programs and Services
8:00 a.m. – The Today Show (NBC): Autism early intervention interview with Dr. Geraldine Dawson, Chief Science Officer of Autism Speaks
8:30 a.m. – Good Morning America (ABC): State of autism awareness and advocacy initiatives interview with Bob and Suzanne Wright, Co-founders of Autism Speaks

This is a day that many in the autism community will band together and show support to one another and show appreciation to the many who help our children. This is a time for those who do not understand or have questions to please ask. We want to answer questions and let others know what autism is. Please do not tell us you are sorry to hear our child is autistic. We do not dwell in the diagnosis, only strive to make things easier for our child. You won't see us feeling sorry for ourselves so please don't for us. We are everyday families who are doing the best we know how for our children. We are mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, therapists, doctors and friends. We all have a common goal...loving and supporting our loved one with autism. If you ever have questions about how Airen is affected by autism please ask. As a parent I want others to be informed and have a better understanding of my son.